Decades ago he has written about the KNOWLEDGE WORKER (now this kind is even changing into KW 2.0 with all the web tools around like Twitter, DIGG, Facebook, XING, Skype, DimDim, ...).
Are you a Knowledge Worker?
Then probably know about the daily question, "How productive are you in your job?". Can you or your boss answer the question?
Knowledge-worker productivity requires that the knowledge worker be both seen and treated as an asset rather than a cost. (that is what Drucker writes).
There are six crucial points that determine productivity:
1. "What is the task?"
2. Knowledge workers manage themselves
3. Continuing innovation
4. Continuous learning
5. It's not in the first place about quantity, but quality
6. Treated as an "asset" rather than a "cost"
ACTION POINT: Apply steps one through five to your knowledge work.
All the best to all Knowledge Workers around:-)