Friday, October 24, 2008

Daily Drucker, May 23rd

Peter F. Drucker has written a remarkable book called "The Daily Drucker". You can open any page (of almost 400), read the message of the day and you surely get into thinking mode.

Decades ago he has written about the KNOWLEDGE WORKER (now this kind is even changing into KW 2.0 with all the web tools around like Twitter, DIGG, Facebook, XING, Skype, DimDim, ...).

Are you a Knowledge Worker?

Then probably know about the daily question, "How productive are you in your job?". Can you or your boss answer the question?

Knowledge-worker productivity requires that the knowledge worker be both seen and treated as an asset rather than a cost. (that is what Drucker writes).

There are six crucial points that determine productivity:

1. "What is the task?"
2. Knowledge workers manage themselves
3. Continuing innovation
4. Continuous learning
5. It's not in the first place about quantity, but quality
6. Treated as an "asset" rather than a "cost"

ACTION POINT: Apply steps one through five to your knowledge work.

All the best to all Knowledge Workers around:-)



Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Funky Business Workshop

A couple of weeks ago -in preparation for a Lean Learning Conference- I asked members of the group on "Lean Thinking" (in German I have to admit;-) the following question:

What has been your most awesome workshop experience?

Guess what? No answer (almost).

Aren't people having fun at workshops at all and even don't think about having such in order to learn something useful?

Monkey Business could make a difference and so do we.

Working on the change around us - as we have it in our hands to change it:-)

Cheers and welcome to Leipzig


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Changing Knowledge Worker Attitudes

Michele Martin talks about that in her blog Workliteracy and comes to the conclusion that organizations have to provide the ground for employees to constantly adapt to changing work environment and personal strengths, knowledge, visions, etc.

How have your work surroundings changed and influenced your daily work?


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Problemsolving - does it solve the REAL PROBLEM?

All too often we talk about problemsolving in areas where something doesn't work out as it is supposed to, it could be your kids, your relationship with your spouse, your business you are responsible for, your peers, ....

Is problemsolving getting to the real causes of the uneasiness or is it just the quick prescription to stress relieve?

Looking into the future to what really could be possible is much more adorable and focusing your action along that vision - taking action today!



PS.: This has been the tipping point in writing this shortliner.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Contribution Revolution

Intuit's cofounder, Scott Cook, challenges traditional ways of innovations and talks about it in HBR's newest edition.

Besides that Scott is writing about Entrepreneurs and why they learn and teach with such a passion.

Do you feel connected? Are you an Intrepreneur or Entrepreneur already or still searching for the tipping point to become your dreams become true?

Please, tell us more.
