An hour ago I had an inspiring conversation with a professor at the HTW Dresden (FH), there I have studied Business Administration some 12 years ago, on how get an team entrepreneurial project (Team Academy Dresden) going.
It quickly became obvious that changing in the present system makes it necessary to get the interest of larger bodies of people. Acting on the project idea, it is rather easy to find like-minded people, who are on the same or similar thinking track.
What this phase is lacking is the spreading the idea into the outer world where people think in traditional ways (not to say that they are bad, just different!).
Stepping with a new and innovative idea makes the feel uneasy because the newness obviously shakes present things and makes the former stability people feel in the present system decrease. This will end in forces that are against any change (that comes from the outside, by the changers).
So doing something present better seems natural, and yet this will bring up major forces that will hinder the change.
It is like a new company in a present market, that steps in with a new product. The other agents (companies) wouldn't like to see a newcomer coming into their turf and there will be quite some feedback (lower prices, different strategy, etc.).
Just imagine reframing the problem of potential clients, focus on a market that hasn't been covered yet due to high transaction costs, low networks, ....
Seth Godin has a truthful
post lately.
Reframing the problem through challenging the assumptions presently on the table - how does that change our actions in life?