Saturday, March 27, 2010

Higher Purpose of own Action - What is driving us like devil?

It is one of these mornings, grey in grey on sky, a lousy Saturday with late start. I scroll at XING looking for people who are in "CoWorking". Oh gosh, over 150 (!) - I just can't believe it. CoWorking still is pretty unknown in Germany and so I am getting even more curious. Digging deeper. Serendipity is coming up;-)

I step across TaraHunt, founder of CitizenAgency and creator of the WhuffieFactor. And with yesterday's experience and intensive talks on how the LockSchuppen, an "Intelligent CoWorking Space" as one friend framed it, is supposed to run in a more formalized form, some further digging in the "knowledge mud" is due.

Two other words grab my focus "Elevator" & "Pitch" - memories race back to February, when I was on stage with SoerenRogoll and ConstanceWolter for pitching of our social innovation projects in front of a 200-person audience. In those days, even we were dedicated to the bone and know pretty well why we do what we do, we could not ignite the audience's fire of interest, not even a VC.

There is a saying, "You can't see what you don't know!" and definitely the audience couldn't see what we already knew and still are working on with drawbacks and positive experiences.

So the question in the room is, "How to put one's own higher purpose in words others can understand and connect?"

What has been your contribution to fulfill your deeper calling?

1 comment:

RainerWasserfuhr said...

"How to put one's own higher purpose in words others can understand and connect?" - similar to ?
