Friday, November 16, 2012

Love to Dance

"Stick to your plan. Be consistent and be ready for the long haul. Building my own personal brand has taken years, and I studied those who did it before me and emulated them.

Integrate the tools. Don't just focus on one but learn to use them all in tandem." - Jeremiah Owyang in Shel Israel's Twitterville, page 172

If you are after some dream, a business, or personal one and struggle once in a while, keep moving. You'll reach the goal, only when you move ahead. I have been through similar struggles, and every time I am on the near bottom line, words like Jeremiah's bring me ups accelerating my walking towards the future.

For all my friends who are in similar journeys


PS.: FYI who are eagerly awaiting my review on "Bella Figura" - it is coming before end of this week.

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